Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I'm back

I know it’s been awhile since I checked in here, so I figured I better let everyone know what’s been going on with my life for the last week and a half.

On May 19th, I entered the Harriman Mini triathlon just north of NYC. As far as the race went, I have mixed thoughts. I think I started the swim too fast. Well, maybe not too fast, but all I know was that I was breathing too hard too fast. I have a feeling that the nerves and adrenaline at the start line elevated my heart rate, along with trying to swim in a mass of 75 other people, trying to avoid getting kicked and punched in the head the entire time. The water temperature was 63 degrees, and compared t the air that day, it actually felt warm. But about halfway through I could feel the tension from my wetsuit. It’s a surf suit, not designed to have the arm flexibility required for full on swimming. As a result of this, I spent the first ten minutes of the bike trying to get my heart rate to drop below 165. I can barely reach this when training, but for whatever reason my hear rate spikes during races. It was a cold and rainy course, but I managed to pass a few people along the way, especially on the technical, twisty descents. The run, on the other hand, totally sucked. I knew this all along, but it was worse than I had anticipated. I began to get shin splints and side stitches immediately. I think I ended up walking half of the course, and ended up taking over an hour and a half to do a 10K run.

Two days later I entered NY Presbyterian for another round of IL-2 treatments. My doctors suggested I try taking a dose of a type of chemotherapy before taking on the IL-2. Overall I managed to get 8 doses of IL-2 in me before heading home on Saturday.

I spent Sunday resting, and saw Pirates III at the movies. On Monday I felt up to doing a ride, and I took one yesterday as well. I’ve got the 66 mile Ride to Montauk this Saturday, and the weather looks good. That’s all for now.

1 comment:

Dances with Corgis said...

So what did you think of Pirates? I think WWAAAAAAAY too long.