Thursday, May 10, 2007

Rider-I mean RUNNER- on the storm

Pop quiz, boys and girls. How do you the second half of a six mile run faster than your first? No, Spike, it's not the shoes. Sorry, Court, it's not pop-tarts either, but if it works for you, more power to you. And it's not EPO either, Mr. Pound- and shouldn't you be off conspiring with the French and witch hunting cyclists?

No, the answer is meteorological. Specifically, a thunderstorm. Nothing to make you pick up the pace than seeing the storm clouds forming when you've got three miles to get back to your car. And it's a lot easier to raise your pain threshold when you see lighting strikes, followed by a thunderclap a lot sooner, and louder, than you would like to hear it. Yeah, running hurts, but I have a suspiscion that getting struck by lightning hurts a lot more.

Fortunately, I managed to finish my run before getting zapped by 1.21 gigawatts of electricity, or ending up taking a shower before I got naked first. Although the cooler air form the low pressure system did provide me with a nice breeze. Even though I ran home into a headwind, it was like having a nice fan blowing cool air in my face as I ran.

Or maybe I was faster on the return because it was slightly downhill.

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