Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Injury sucks

Well, nothing quite like hurting yourself right before the big event. It seems that I have pulled an abdominal muscle over the weekend, and it doesn not want to heal in a speedy manner. So all week I have been on the couch, trying to heal. It doesn't help that this is a very difficult muscle to relax. I mean, even simply walking stresses it.

I don't even know how I did this. It wasn't one of those instant pain situations. Rather, this was a gradual occurance. One of those next morning things. I keep hoping it will be gone the next morning, but it never is.

This totally sucks- everything was going so well. Better than I expected. And than this had to happen.


Dances with Corgis said...

Whatever. We all know it was a sex injury anyways. You shouldn't be so rough with your blow up sheep, Nils. She's very sensitive.

DSL said...

Whatever is right Nils. It's just a pulled muscle psssh! ;-)

Hey GOOD LUCK this weekend! I expect a TR - between you and Court, you should be able to get a few pics!

Have fun!

Unknown said...

Your pal skirough wanted some of her readers to swing by and wish you good luck this weekend. I've popped in and out of your blog here's some good luck wishes from the Deep South. WOO HOO!