Wednesday, April 25, 2007


If one word could summarize my life this week, it would be transitions. Webster's defines "transition" as: a passage from one state, stage, subject, or place to another. Just about every aspect of my life is in transition these days.

First of all would be the transition from ski season. This past Sunday at Alta was my final day of skiing for the 2006-07 season. A season, which I am proud to say was injury free. After sufferring fractures the last two seasons, not spending any time in an emergency room this winter was a big relief. Besides, I spend enough time in hospitals as it is, I don't need to wind up there any more than I need to be.

The next transition would be leaving Vermont to return to New York full time. I'm back to living at home, and even though the surroundings are familiar, it doesn't quite seem comfortable. Hopefully I will make another transition in the next few weeks, from Upstate to NYC. It's been ten years since I first lived in the Big Apple, and I think I might be ready to return.

As loyal readers of this blog are well aware, in less than one month I will participate in a triathlon. The phase of the race between the swim and bike or bike and run are called transitions as well. Today I began training for this event, swimming, biking, and running in the same day. It was cold and raining today, and after ten miles on the bike my toes were completely numb. I planned to run as soon as I finished my ride, but my transition was slowed down by my desire to put on a pair of warm, dry socks. After a mile or so of running, I finally regained feeling in my toes.

Things are changing this week. Life as I have known it for the last five months is over. It is time to focus on new things. Skiing is no longer the focal point of my existance. Now there are a myriad of things of which I am concerned with. In addition to triathlon training, I am concerned with finishing my movie, and simply getting on with life in general. I have been kind of a hermit since December, now it's time to rejoin society (or at least rejoin society as much as it is possible for me). Although, to be honest, I'm not sure exactly where to begin my new life. I'm sure I will figure things out soon enough, but for now, to quote the title of a snowboarding DVD, I'm simply Lost in Transition.

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