Thursday, April 12, 2007

Moving On

Well, tonight is my last night in the house that I have called home for the last 4 1/2 months. It's hard to believe that I was here that long- the time really flew by. It seems like only last week I was unloading my quiver, cursing the warm weather and lack of snow. Now we have a lot of snow on the ground, and I am putting my skis into the Thule for he last time.

Next week I fly to Utah for five days, and after that the big question needs to be answered; "What's next?" I'll spend the next four weks training like a madman so I don't die in the triathlon I signed up for. I've really been slacking. Of course, I didn't think that March and April were going to bring lot's of snowstorms either. Based on early season weather, I figured I'd have a few hundred miles under the rubber by now. But my training has consisted of skiing hard every day. Beats sitting on the couch, but will it help me run 6.2miles?

In addition, I'll spend too many hours in front of my Avid cutting Normalcy. Hopefully that will finish up by the end of June, early July at the latest. But what do I do when I finish that?

One thing I am not looking forward to is moving back into my parents' house. To be honest, I never really liked living there. I'm considering moving back to NYC, but I'm not 100% sure if that's what I really want to do. The last time I lived in NY it didn't work out so well. Of course now I'm a lot older and wiser. And more importantly, I have a support system in plae that I didn't have in 1999.

So tonight I spend my last night in West Dover, VT. The next ten days will be chaotic- moves, hospital visits, plane flights. Not a lot of time for rest. I even skipped skiing today to rest up (I have a cold and didn't think driving 150 miles to play in a snowstorm was wise considering my upcoming schedule). I'll return from Utah with hours of videotape that must be chisled down to an entertaining, informative final product. I'll swim, bike, and run until I puke. But what will happen next??? Stay tuned...

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