Friday, July 13, 2007

Tour de Chemo- Stage 8

Today's progress could best be summed up with two words: "sesame chicken". For the first time in almost a week I felt like eating real food. I was craving Chinese food, General Tso's chicken in particular. But with developing mouth sores, I decided to go for something a little bit milder. So I sent my dad on a mission to the Ming Moon. Eating half a portion was a major accomplishment, but the fact that I had a craving for a specific food item was even more important in the grand scheme of things.

I also managed to get a perscription for some muscle relaxers, which will hopefully help to cut down on some of the back pains I have been feeling these last few weeks. The back pain has been worse than the chemo effects, mainly because they have been keeping me from getting comfortable enough to get any real rest.

I'm feeling much more optimistic now than I was earlier in the week. When I felt like pure hell, a wave of pessimism came over me. But feeling better, as well as a few encouraging e-mails, have really improved my morale.

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