Thursday, July 5, 2007

Tour de Chemo- Prologue

Well, tomorrow I begin my chemotherapy treatments, or the Tour de Chemo as I am referring to it as. I figure since it is July, the Tour de France would make a good metaphor. Plus, there is a possibility that I might actually be on EPO before this whole ordeal is finished. But today was the prologue- a few preliminary things before the real thing gets underway. Tonight, in preparation, I had to take seven anti-nausea pills. Good thing they weren't huge horse chokers or anyhting, but seven pills at a time is still a lot to swallow.

I went for a bike ride today. I did about seventeen miles on my road bike. I felt pretty good, all things considered. I mean, I've been hacking up shit for the last few days, and my lower back on my left side hurts, but other than that I had a great ride. Up until the final three miles, that is. You see, after a typically wet and cold Catskill Mountain 4th of July, I woke up today to blue skies and sunshine. I vowed that I would get a ride in today, no matter what. So around 3:30, I clicked into my pedals. I was even maintaining a decent pace, despite my lack of fitness. I was feeling great.

But halfway through the ride the blue skies turned to grey. No worries, I thought. It was a light greay, and the clouds didn't appear very ominous. Unfortunately, the direction I was heading was also the direction of some much darker clouds. I picked up the pace, hoping to make it home before getting caught in any weather. With Jim Morrison singing "Riders on the Storm" playing in my head, I pushed the biggest gear I could home. Unfortunately, I was about ten minutes late. Three miles from home, the rain started. nd it wasn't a drizzle, but rather a full on downpour. I pedaled with all of my energy those final miles, just wanting to get home and dry. I finally made it home, got into a hot shower, grabbed some space on the couch, and slept until the Simpsons came on.

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