Wednesday, June 6, 2007

If you're gonna be sick...

The weather here in New York has been pretty miserable these last few days. Personaly, I am glad that it has been less than perfect June conditions. For the past few days I have been feeling a bit under the weather, and logging a lot more couch time than I would like to. It makes being a lazy slug a lot easier to deal with when you don't feel like going outside anyway.

Fortunately, I have been feeling better, and the weather is supposed to improve as well. I attribute the inprovement in my health to plenty of rest and narcotics. Tylenol with codeine works! This stuff has really improved my overall well being!

It still sucks that I haven't been out on my bike for almost a week. Nothing to make me feel like a slug more than a week of physical inactivity. But considering the last ride went on I started t have spells of dizziness, perhaps some time off was a good strategey. The last thing I want to experience on my bike is a head on collision with a milk truck, brough on by a sudden lack of consciousness. Plus, I would hate to have my new bike wrecked before I even get 1000 miles on the thing.

Other than the setback I incurred last week, I have been feeling a lot beter these last few days. I realy beleive that this time the IL-2 s kicking in and attacking my melanoma. But still, I am reeling from missing out on the Ride to Montauk last weekend. This s the first time that something possibly related to my cancer has stopped me from doing something. It was kind of difficult to take, especially when I was feeling as crappy as I was this past weekend.

But, as little orphan Annie sand, the sun will come out tomorrow. The weather is supposed to warm up in the next couple of days. Perhaps I will finally bust out my mountain bike, which has been collecting dust all winter. It's been a few months since I've played in the mud, pehaps a tour over Scotch Valley, perhaps down the backside to have lunch at Nuclear BBQ is in order.

1 comment:

Dances with Corgis said...

Hope you are feeling better, Nilsy.