Tuesday, December 19, 2006

White, powdery, and addictive

Alright, the Weather Channel was WRONG!!! They didn't say anything about snow today. But around 2 PM today, as I was riding up the North Face side of Mount Snow with my friend Brian, it began falling. And not just flurries, either. We're talking about some big, fat flakes! Trails that were brownish green in the morning were beginning to get a layer of white on them by the time we made our final turns of the day.

And it's about time, too. Everyone has been getting real antsy in the Northeast. Last night I headed to the Silo, a local watering hole, where I proceeded to down plenty of Labatt's drafts and twenty cent chicken wings. The end result was a hangover this morning, but while AK heli skiers often head to the bar in order to "drink it blue", my imbibing had the result of drinking it white!

So it's finaly beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Hopefully the Weather Channel continues to be wrong, since ther don't have any more snow predicted for this week.

1 comment:

Dances with Corgis said...

Nice pics, Nils! Way to represent the TGR sticker on the Thule. :)

Yay to some proper turnage... you deserve after all of that waiting around!